Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eucharistic Congress in Lourdes, 1914

    “Jesus Christ, past, in the historical truth of the evening in the Upper Room, to which every celebration of holy Mass leads us back.

    Jesus Christ, present, because he said to us: ‘Take and eat of this, all of you, this is my body, this is my blood’. ‘This is', in the present, here and now, as in every here and now throughout human history. The real presence, the presence which surpasses our poor lips, our poor hearts, our poor thoughts. The presence offered for us to gaze upon as we do here, this evening, close to the grotto where Mary revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception.

    The Eucharist is also Jesus Christ, future, Jesus Christ to come.

    When we contemplate the sacred host, his glorious transfigured and risen Body, we contemplate what we shall contemplate in eternity, where we shall discover that the whole world has been carried by its Creator during every second of its history. Each time we consume him, but also each time we contemplate him, we proclaim him until he comes again, donec veniat. That is why we receive him with infinite respect.”
Benedict XVI, September 14th 2008, Lourdes

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